The Yards at Belleville Station is a project to restore the 1888 Italiante Depot building, and allow the rich character of Belleville and its history pour in, and out, of this central hub.

Our team of passionate architects, builders and hospitality professionals are turning this long dormant gem into a multi-use food park and historic train museum for families, respite for bikers along Badger State Trail, and new center for the growing community to host events or come together casually, but most importantly, to enjoy it.

Food trailers (4) will be leased out to local vendors, and visitors are welcome to bring their own park blanket or sit on the patio (3) and enjoy the food most of the year. The Depot building (1) itself will be open year round, with comfortable seating inside and a small market with ice cream, coffee, and grab-n-go food options.

Bikers will benefit from dawn-to-dusk restrooms (5), waterbottle filling stations, a bike maintance post (7) and shaded rest area.

Inside, historic memorabilia will fill the walls and people can puruse The Depot Shop, stocked with local creations from Belleville residents and artists throughout Dane County. Would you like to sell your goods with us? Contact us here.

We look forward to the work ahead. Please join the conversation with the Village, and attend the Village Board meeting on October 21st, where they will hear the proposals to purchase/lease the historic depot. The meeting will be held at the High School Library starting at 6:00 p.m.